Results for 'Silvia B. Canto-Lara'

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  1.  44
    Leishmaniasis entomological field studies: Ethical issues.Fernando Andrade-narvaez, Silvia B. Canto-lara & Maria Rosario Garcia-misdels - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):157-160.
    Occupational health remains neglected in developing countries because of competing social, economic and political challenges. Ethical issues in the workplace related to the hazards and risks of becoming infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana , through the bite of naturally infected sand flies, is another area of concern that has been neglected as well. We report here the results of reviewing two entomological field studies carried out in our research center from 2003 to 2006. Eight students from our School of Biology (...)
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    Leishmaniasis Entomological Field Studies: Ethical Issues.Fernando Andrade-Narvaez, Silvia B. Canto-Lara & Maria Del Rosario Garcia-Miss - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):157-160.
    Occupational health remains neglected in developing countries because of competing social, economic and political challenges. Ethical issues in the workplace related to the hazards and risks of becoming infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana, through the bite of naturally infected sand flies, is another area of concern that has been neglected as well. We report here the results of reviewing two entomological field studies carried out in our research center from 2003 to 2006. Eight students from our School of Biology were (...)
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    Young Children and Voice Search: What We Know From Human-Computer Interaction Research.Silvia B. Lovato & Anne Marie Piper - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Young children are prolific question-askers. The growing ubiquity of voice interfaces (e.g., Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa), as well as the availability of voice input in search fields, now make it possible for children to ask questions via Internet search when they are able to speak clearly, but before they have learned to read and write, typically between 3 and 6 years of age. The prevalence of voice search makes it important to understand children’s changing conceptions of digital devices as a (...)
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    Views of Low-Income Women of Color at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer.Emily E. Anderson, Silvia Tejada, Richard B. Warnecke & Kent Hoskins - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (1):53-66.
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  5. Peculiaridades no Brasil.Sílvia Lara - 2001 - Topoi 3.
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    Indicadores emocionais no desenho da figura humana de crianças abusadas sexualmente; Emotional indicators in human figure drawings of sexuality abused children.José Augusto E. Hernandez, Adriana Valente Rochefort, Bernardo Trojan Neto, Carmen Sílvia B. Lopes Sarmiento, Luci Maria dos Santos Feijó, Maria Antonia Santiago Nunes & Susane Maria Curra - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:43-52.
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    (1 other version)Underdevelopment: Feudal or Capitalist?J. B. Lara - 1969 - Télos 1969 (4):145-150.
  8. Book review: Seyla Benhabib. The reluctant modernism of Hannah Arendt. Thousand oaks, california: Sage, 1996. [REVIEW]Maria Pia Lara & Joan B. Landes - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (3):162-169.
  9.  23
    Supporting Patients With Untreated Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance: What Causes an Increase in Anxiety During the First 10 Months?Maria Francesca Alvisi, Paola Dordoni, Tiziana Rancati, Barbara Avuzzi, Nicola Nicolai, Fabio Badenchini, Letizia De Luca, Tiziana Magnani, Cristina Marenghi, Julia Menichetti, Villa Silvia, Zollo Fabiana, Salvioni Roberto, Valdagni Riccardo & Bellardita Lara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe psychological burden possibly deriving from not immediately undergoing radical treatment for prostate cancer could be a potential disadvantage of active surveillance, especially in the eve of some relevant clinical exams [i.e., re-biopsy, prostate-specific antigen test, and medical examination]. Even if it is known from the literature that the majority of PCa men in AS do not report heightened anxiety, there is a minority of patients who show clinically significant levels of anxiety after diagnosis. The present study aimed to investigate (...)
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    The Experience of Sexual Stigma and the Increased Risk of Attempted Suicide in Young Brazilian People from Low Socioeconomic Group.Angelo Brandelli Costa, Andrew Pasley, Wagner de Lara Machado, Ernesto Alvarado, Luciana Dutra-Thomé & Silvia Helena Koller - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    CSR by Any Other Name? The Differential Impact of Substantive and Symbolic CSR Attributions on Employee Outcomes.Magda B. L. Donia, Sigalit Ronen, Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly & Silvia Bonaccio - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):503-523.
    Employing a time-lagged sample of 371 North American individuals working full time in a wide range of industries, occupations, and levels, we contribute to research on employee outcomes of corporate social responsibility attributions as substantive or symbolic. Utilizing a mediated moderation model, our study extends previous findings by explaining how and why CSR attributions are related with work-related attitudes and subsequent individual performance. In support of our hypotheses, our findings indicate that the relationships between CSR attributions and individual performance are (...)
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    Temperature-dependent thermal expansion of cast and hot-pressed LAST thermoelectric materials.F. Ren, B. D. Hall, E. D. Case, E. J. Timm, R. M. Trejo, R. A. Meisner & E. Lara-Curzio - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (18):1439-1455.
  13.  25
    Automatic Removal of Physiological Artifacts in EEG: The Optimized Fingerprint Method for Sports Science Applications.David B. Stone, Gabriella Tamburro, Patrique Fiedler, Jens Haueisen & Silvia Comani - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  30
    Beyond contingency awareness: the role of influence awareness in resisting conditioned attitudes.Florin A. Sava, B. Keith Payne, Silvia Măgurean, Daniel E. Iancu & Andrei Rusu - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):156-169.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative conditioning procedures change people’s evaluations of stimuli that are paired with pleasant or unpleasant items. To test whether influence awareness allows people to resist such...
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    Hyperscanning of Interactive Juggling: Expertise Influence on Source Level Functional Connectivity.David B. Stone, Gabriella Tamburro, Edson Filho, Selenia di Fronso, Claudio Robazza, Maurizio Bertollo & Silvia Comani - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  16. Lambda 7. 1072 b 2-3.Silvia Fazzo - 2002 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 23 (2):357-376.
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    Atsisveikinant su svajone: kodėl suvokiamumo argumentai nepajėgia atskleisti sąmonės metafizikos.Luis Alejandro Murillo-Lara - 2023 - Problemos 104:119-131.
    Šiame straipsnyje pateikiu naują prieštaravimą Chalmerso kertiniam argumentui prieš „B tipo“ fizikalistų privilegijuotą strategiją pagrindžiant aiškinimo spragą („fenomenalių sąvokų strategija“). Aš konkrečiai teigiu, kad antrasis kertinio argumento dėmuo neteisingai interpretuoja, kodėl zombiai negali patekti į mūsų episteminę situaciją sąmonės atžvilgiu. Zombiams negali būti būdingos tokios mentalinės būklės, kurias turime mes. Jeigu visi mūsų psichologiniai atributai yra būtina mūsų episteminės situacijos sąlyga, tai zombiai negali pasitarnauti kaip antrasis dilemos dėmuo. Kalbėdamas apie kontekstą, aš visų pirma trumpai aptariu susijusį argumentą, nukreiptą prieš (...)
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  18.  8
    Il fr. 21 Ross dal De Philosophia e il modello astronomico di Eudosso: un’ipotesi di datazione del dialogo.Lara Trivellizzi - 2019 - Méthexis 31 (1):82-102.
    In this paper I aim to discuss a fragment of Aristotle’s De Philosophia (fr. 21 Ross = Cic. N.D. ii, 44). After defending Cicero’s reliability as a source for the present fragment, I will focus on its contents, with particular reference to the similarities and differences between fr. 21 Ross and De Caelo A-B: my aim in this comparison is to identify two different astronomical systems underlying, on the one hand, the account of fr. 21 Ross and, on the other (...)
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    Model theory of Steiner triple systems.Silvia Barbina & Enrique Casanovas - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):2050010.
    A Steiner triple system (STS) is a set S together with a collection B of subsets of S of size 3 such that any two elements of S belong to exactly one element of B. It is well known that the class of finite STS has a Fraïssé limit M_F. Here, we show that the theory T of M_F is the model completion of the theory of STSs. We also prove that T is not small and it has quantifier elimination, (...)
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  20. La dialéctica como la ciencia de la sumploke tôn eidôn en Sofista 253 c-254 b.Silvia Tonti - 1996 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 31:115-135.
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  21. The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study.Peter Hilpert, Ashley K. Randall, Piotr Sorokowski, David C. Atkins, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Aghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Jessica Borders, Tiago S. Bortolini, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Oana A. David, Anita DeLongis, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra D. C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Tomasz Frackowiak, Evrim Gulbetekin, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo O. James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, David B. King, Fırat Koç, Amos Laar, Fívia De Araújo Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Svjetlana Salkičević & Sarmány-Schul - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  22.  10
    Moral Disquiet and Human Life.Silvia Pavel (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Attempting to steer moral philosophy away from abstract theorizing, Moral Disquiet and Human Life argues that moral philosophy should be a practical, rational, and argumentative engagement with reality, and that moral reflection should have direct effects on our lives and the world in which we live. Illustrating her discussion with vivid examples from literature, music, drama, and current events, the noted French philosopher Monique Canto-Sperber resumes the most ancient pursuit of philosophy: the examination of human life itself. What did (...)
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  23.  11
    La nueva educación pública en Chile y su implementación en contextos neoliberales.Silvia Redon Pantoja, Camila Belaustegui Irribarra & José Félix Angulo Rasco - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):157-182.
    El artículo que presentamos expone resultados de una investigación que tiene por objetivo construir conocimiento a partir de la implementación de la ley de la nueva educación pública en Chile. Desde un paradigma hermenéutico cualitativo, se ha recogido información a través del diseño de estudios de casos, múltiples y retrospectivos, en cinco Servicios Locales de Educación Pública. La dimensión empírica se centra en el análisis discursivo de documentos oficiales elaborados por los nombrados servicios, correspondientes a la primera fase del estudio. (...)
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  24.  22
    L'archetipo Π come origine del codice AB della Metafisica di Aristotele.Silvia Fazzo, Marco Ghione & Laura Folli - 2023 - Chôra 21:533-558.
    The article proposes a follow up contribution, possibly an almost final word, of our previous ones to the paleographical section of this journal – 2015 and 2022 especially but also 2018 – on the textual tradition of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Based on Maas theory of Trennfehler, along the two latest decades, we collected and evaluated any possible counter arguments for the sake of a unified stemma codicum, topped by Π. We also add further details. As a result, Π is a fourth (...)
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    Exploring Ethical Assumptions and Bias in Medical Ethics Teaching.Silvia Panizza - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):233-244.
    This paper is a reflection on an experiment undertaken during a Medical Ethics lecture delivered to a group of medical students in the UK as part of a project for a programme in Higher Education Practice. The aim of the project, following Paulo Freire’s idea of ‘liberating education,’ was to identify students’ ethical assumptions and biases in relation to a problem of resource allocation in healthcare, and their role in decision-making. The experiment showed the importance placed by medical students on (...)
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    Propósito e estrutura do Quarto Paralogismo.Silvia Altmann - 2018 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):85-121.
    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é, considerar o quarto paralogismo e a crítica kantiana a ele na versão da primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura, destacando o contexto do quarto paralogismo, a saber, o propósito e a estrutura dos paralogismos em geral. Procurarei mostrar que, ao contrário do que parece à primeira vista, o quarto paralogismo na sua primeira edição partilha da mesma estrutura dos demais e é equivalente à sua formulação na segunda edição da Crítica da razão pura. (...)
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  27.  30
    Ousia comme nom déverbal dans la philosophie première d’Aristote.Silvia Fazzo - 2020 - Chôra 18:221-256.
    The initial dilemma. I.1. The gradual rise of the Metaphysics. I.2. A bold contribution from textual history. I.3. A new perspective on late ancient commentaries. I.4. First philosophy or Metaphysics? I.5. Can tradition be ignored? II. ‘Being’ and οὐσία at the core of Aristotle’s theoretical research. II.1. Ontology as a science of ‘being’ in Aristotle: “What is X?” in the foreground. II.2. The first caveat: the copula function of Aristotle’s ‘being’. II.3. The definite article τό as quotation marks before the (...)
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  28. How adults and children manage stress in ambiguous contexts.Silvia Gennari, Andrea Gualmini & Luisa Meroni - unknown
    This paper investigates the influence of contrastive stress in resolving potential semantic ambiguities. The sentences under investigation contain the focus operator only. Sentences with only have three main properties: (a) some sentential element is typically in focus, (b) the speaker presupposes that a set of alternatives to the focus element (the contrast set) has previously been introduced in the context; and (c) the speaker makes the assertion that the focus element has some unique property which other members of the reference (...)
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    Solipsizmus a metafyzika traktátu.Silvia Kociánová - 1996 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 3 (1):9-21.
    The paper considers one of the most enigmatic problems of Wittgenstein`s Tractatus - the problem of solipsism. The authorś task is to reveal how the discussion of solipsism illuminates Wittgenstein`s metaphysical view in this treatise. Wittgenstein`s method is considered as one through which the status of what cannot be said is demonstrated. Wittgenstein has not embrased solipsism or idealism in the Tractatus, and neither has he rejected metaphysics as a whole. His attack has been directed against dogmatic philosophy and ethics, (...)
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    Aesthetic meanings and aesthetic emotions: How historical and intentional knowledge expand aesthetic experience.Paul J. Silvia - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):157-158.
    This comment proposes that Bullot & Reber's (B&R's) emphasis on historical and intentional knowledge expands the range of emotions that can be properly viewed as aesthetic states. Many feelings, such as anger, contempt, shame, confusion, and pride, come about through complex aesthetic meanings, which integrate conceptual knowledge, beliefs about the work and the artist's intentions, and the perceiver's goals and values.
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  31. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błażejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gulbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Fırat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Mesko, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan, Agnieszka L. Sabiniewicz & Salkič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Induction, minimization and collection for Δ n+1 (T)–formulas.A. Fernández-Margarit & F. F. Lara-Martín - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (4):505-541.
    For a theory T, we study relationships among IΔ n +1 (T), LΔ n+1 (T) and B * Δ n+1 (T). These theories are obtained restricting the schemes of induction, minimization and (a version of) collection to Δ n+1 (T) formulas. We obtain conditions on T (T is an extension of B * Δ n+1 (T) or Δ n+1 (T) is closed (in T) under bounded quantification) under which IΔ n+1 (T) and LΔ n+1 (T) are equivalent. These conditions depend (...)
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  33.  45
    F RANCIS B ACON, The Instauratio Magna Part II: Novum Organum and Associated Texts. Edited with introduction, notes, commentaries and facing-page translations by Graham Rees with Maria Wakely. The Oxford Francis Bacon, XI. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004. Pp. cxxviii+634. ISBN 0-19-924792-7. £120.00. [REVIEW]Silvia Manzo - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (2):290-291.
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    Corrigendum: Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries.Piotr Sorokowski, Ashley K. Randall, Agata Groyecka, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Cantarero, Peter Hilpert, Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Ahmad M. Alghraibeh, Richmond Aryeetey, Anna Bertoni, Karim Bettache, Marta Błazejewska, Guy Bodenmann, Tiago S. Bortolini, Carla Bosc, Marina Butovskaya, Felipe N. Castro, Hakan Cetinkaya, Diana Cunha, Daniel David, Oana A. David, Fahd A. Dileym, Alejandra C. Domínguez Espinosa, Silvia Donato, Daria Dronova, Seda Dural, Maryanne Fisher, Aslihan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya, Takeshi Hamamura, Karolina Hansen, Wallisen T. Hattori, Ivana Hromatko, Evrim Gülbetekin, Raffaella Iafrate, Bawo James, Feng Jiang, Charles O. Kimamo, Firat Koç, Anna Krasnodębska, Amos Laar, Fívia A. Lopes, Rocio Martinez, Norbert Meskó, Natalya Molodovskaya, Khadijeh Moradi Qezeli, Zahrasadat Motahari, Jean C. Natividade, Joseph Ntayi, Oluyinka Ojedokun, Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee, Ike E. Onyishi, Barış Özener, Anna Paluszak, Alda Portugal, Anu Realo, Ana P. Relvas, Muhammad Rizwan & Agn Sabiniewicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rechtsphilosophie: vom Grundlagenfach zur Transdisziplinarität in den Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften: Festschrift für Michael Fischer.Michael W. Fischer, Claudia B. Wöhle, Silvia Augeneder & Sabine Urnik (eds.) - 2010 - New York, NY: P. Lang.
    Die Einordnung der Rechtsphilosophie als akademische Disziplin reicht vom reinen Grundlagenfach mit «Service-Funktion» für die praktischen Rechtswissenschaften über ein interdisziplinäres Verständnis, das die Bezüge zu anderen ...
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  36. Brill Online Books and Journals.Jeremiah Hackett, Costantino Marmo, Cecilia Trifogli, Silvia Donati, Rega Wood, Timothy B. Noone & James R. Long - 1997 - Vivarium 35 (2).
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    (1 other version)The Impact of the Parental Support on Risk Factors in the Process of Gender Affirmation of Transgender and Gender Diverse People.Bruna L. Seibel, Bruno de Brito Silva, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Ramiro F. Catelan, Ana M. Bercht, Juliana L. Stucky, Diogo A. DeSousa, Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Henrique C. Nardi, Silvia H. Koller & Angelo B. Costa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Research involving transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) increased in the last years, mostly concerning healthcare associated to this population. Few studies dedicated their analysis to the impact of parental support on transgender people, even though this is an important aspect in creating a safe environment on which these individuals can build their identity. In addition, the link between family support, TGD identity and homelessness is not completely established. Thus, due to the specificities of the family context of TGD individuals, (...)
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    Johnson Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus. Pp. xiv + 371, figs, ills, b/w & colour pls. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 2004. Cased, £55, Can$85. ISBN: 0-8020-3734-8. [REVIEW]Silvia Barbantani - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (2):485-488.
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    New insights into palaeohispanistics - (A.J.) Sinner, (j.) velaza (edd.) Palaeohispanic languages and epigraphies. Pp. XX + 483, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2019. Cased, £120. Isbn: 978-0-19-879082-2. [REVIEW]Silvia Tantimonaco - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):221-224.
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  40. Advice-giving and scoring-rule-based arguments for probabilism.Branden Fitelson & Lara Buchak - unknown
    Dutch Book Arguments. B is susceptibility to sure monetary loss (in a certain betting set-up), and F is the formal role played by non-Pr b’s in the DBT and the Converse DBT. Representation Theorem Arguments. B is having preferences that violate some of Savage’s axioms (and/or being unrepresentable as an expected utility maximizer), and F is the formal role played by non-Pr b’s in the RT.
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    A note on Σ 1 -maximal models.A. Cordón—Franco & F. F. Lara—Martín - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):1072-1078.
    LetTbe a recursive theory in the language of first order Arithmetic. We prove that ifTextends: (a) the scheme of parameter free Δ1-minimization (plusexp). or (b) the scheme of parameter free Π1-induction, then there are no Σ1-maximal models with respect toT. As a consequence, we obtain a new proof of an unpublished theorem of Jeff Paris stating that Σ1-maximal models with respect toIΔ0+expdo not satisfy the scheme of Σ1-collectionBΣ1.
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    Recent empirical work on the relationship between causal judgements and norms.Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Lara Kirfel - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (1):e12562.
    It has recently been argued that normative considerations play an important role in causal cognition. For instance, when an agent violates a moral rule and thereby produces a negative outcome, she will be judged to be much more of a cause of the outcome, compared to someone who performed the same action but did not violate a norm. While there is a substantial amount of evidence reporting these effects, it is still a matter of debate how this evidence is to (...)
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    La colaboración entre educación para la ciudadanía y educación científica en el fortalecimiento de la ciudadanía vacunal.Ivy Judensnaider & Silvia Fernanda de Mendonça Figueirôa - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:144-160.
    In recent years, the conjunction of far-right agendas with those of the anti-vax movement has spread disbelief in science and turned the reinforcement of individualism into a way to erode the social fabric. In this text, by means of a review of specialized literature, we propose to discuss the strengthening of vaccine citizenship, a phenomenon that involves not only the construction of citizenship but also trust in scientific knowledge. Two are the axes of our analysis: a) civic education to address (...)
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    Introduction to the special issue Hermann Weyl and the philosophy of the ‘New Physics’.Silvia De Bianchi & Gabriel Catren - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 61:1-5.
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    Rethinking antiparticles. Hermann Weyl’s contribution to neutrino physics.Silvia De Bianchi - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 61:68-79.
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  46. On Mathematicians' Different Standards When Evaluating Elementary Proofs.Matthew Inglis, Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos, Keith Weber & Lara Alcock - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (2):270-282.
    In this article, we report a study in which 109 research-active mathematicians were asked to judge the validity of a purported proof in undergraduate calculus. Significant results from our study were as follows: (a) there was substantial disagreement among mathematicians regarding whether the argument was a valid proof, (b) applied mathematicians were more likely than pure mathematicians to judge the argument valid, (c) participants who judged the argument invalid were more confident in their judgments than those who judged it valid, (...)
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  47.  26
    On axiom schemes for T-provably $${\Delta_{1}}$$ Δ 1 formulas.A. Cordón-Franco, A. Fernández-Margarit & F. F. Lara-Martín - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3):327-349.
    This paper investigates the status of the fragments of Peano Arithmetic obtained by restricting induction, collection and least number axiom schemes to formulas which are $${\Delta_1}$$ provably in an arithmetic theory T. In particular, we determine the provably total computable functions of this kind of theories. As an application, we obtain a reduction of the problem whether $${I\Delta_0 + \neg \mathit{exp}}$$ implies $${B\Sigma_1}$$ to a purely recursion-theoretic question.
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  48.  38
    Envelopes, indicators and conservativeness.Andrés Cordón-Franco, Alejandro Fernández-Margarit & F. Félix Lara-Martín - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (1):51-70.
    A well known theorem proved by J. Paris and H. Friedman states that BΣn +1 is a Πn +2-conservative extension of IΣn . In this paper, as a continuation of our previous work on collection schemes for Δn +1-formulas , we study a general version of this theorem and characterize theories T such that T + BΣn +1 is a Πn +2-conservative extension of T . We prove that this conservativeness property is equivalent to a model-theoretic property relating Πn-envelopes and (...)
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    Differences in advance care planning among nursing home care staff.Joni Gilissen, Annelien Wendrich-van Dael, Chris Gastmans, Robert Vander Stichele, Luc Deliens, Karen Detering, Lieve Van den Block & Lara Pivodic - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1210-1227.
    Background A team-based approach has been advocated for advance care planning in nursing homes. While nurses are often put forward to take the lead, it is not clear to what extent other professions could be involved as well. Objectives To examine to what extent engagement in advance care planning practices (e.g. conversations, advance directives), knowledge and self-efficacy differ between nurses, care assistants and allied care staff in nursing homes. Design Survey study. Participants/setting The study involved a purposive sample of 14 (...)
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  50.  11
    Affective Behavior in Parent Couples Undergoing Couple Therapy: Contrasting Case Studies.Esther Liekmeier, Joëlle Darwiche, Lara Pinna, Anne-Sylvie Repond & Jean-Philippe Antonietti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:634276.
    Being in a romantic relationship is characterized by a high degree of intimacy and affective involvement. Affective behavior indicates the emotional content in couple interactions and therefore promotes an understanding of the evolution of romantic relationships. When couples are also parents, their affective behavior reflects their romantic and coparental bonds. In this paper, we present an observation of parent couples’ affective behavior during a coparenting conflict discussion task to document whether and how much it improved during couple therapy. Two contrasting (...)
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